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Get to know Gradino!

(1 minute read) We love helping businesses share their stories and their company messages. This may come in the form of an explainer video, supporting you to develop your website, or designing logos, among many others. As we know, a picture paints a thousand words,...

There are no bad ideas in the ideas stage:

(2 minute read) “Okay everyone, we’re looking for ideas for our new marketing strategy. Let’s just throw some ideas out and let it snowball from there. Remember, there’s no such thing as a bad idea!” We’ve all heard one before, whether we were in school, college,...

The link between maths and art

(2 minute read) How many scientists were painters and musicians? Loads!  Engineers aren’t artistic and other myths In your head, picture a mathematician. Mentally draw this person and think about their characteristics and features. Once you’ve done that, picture an...